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How do plants grow? Why do eggs not crack when a hen sits on them? How do caterpillars turn into butterflies and how do birds make their nests? These are some of the great questions that I frequently got from my students every time spring rolled around. Instead of just telling them, they learned the answers with hands-on Spring STEM Activities and experiments.
The collection of 35 spring STEM activities below include science experiments, engineering challenges and even math. Easily add some learning to your spring with these simple, inexpensive and generally low prep, STEM activities.
STEM activities included a variety of science, technology, engineering and math skills. Ideally the activities include a combination of these subject areas.
A few of the benefits of STEM activities include problem solving skills, creativity, and it can spark an interest and passion for these important subject areas.
Spring STEM Activities
Whether you are looking for an activity to try outside, at home or even for Earth Day, there are a variety of ideas to keep children learning all spring long!
#1 Science Experiment for Kids
Flowers are a sure sign of spring. Have some fun this season with this fizzing flowers science experiment. All you need is baking soda and water! You can add in some color and small gems and children will be engaged as they learn about chemical reactions.
#2 Outdoor STEM Learning Activity
This is an experiment that we do together every spring! One of the best things about it is that it is made from recycled paper. Get children involved in gardening with these DIY seed balls. They also make a beautiful gift and a free gift tag is available to download.
#3 Color Changing Flowers – Spring STEM Activities
How to plants ‘drink’ water? I often got asked this by my kindergarten students. It’s a great question and best explained with a hands-on experiment. This spring STEM activity is simple to set up and beautiful to observe.
It is also a very clear explanation of how water goes up the stem/roots of plants and spreads out to the rest of the plant or flower. A free worksheet is included.
#4 Peeps Spring STEM Experiments
They’re tasty, but they’re also great for science experiments!
Eggs are great for omelets, but did you know you could use the shells to grow something adorable? How cute would these be in a classroom in spring, or on display for kids at home? They are inexpensive to grow and a great learning opportunity.
Learn how to take six cups, colored water and a few paper towels to create a walking rainbow water experiment. This is a great way to teach about capillary action.
#7 Sensory Play STEM Activity
Can you guess what this is? Kids love to play with it and it’s easy to make. Plus it’s got an Earth Day theme. April 22nd 2022 is Earth Day. Plan something fun with this Earth Day Slime!
Did you know that plants crave sunlight so much that they will bend to follow it? Kids love this simple visual phototropism plant science experiment, and it’s one of our favorite simple experiments for kids.
The jumping bunny craft is a creative art activity where your kid gets to use their imagination to design a rabbit. But it also doubles as a STEM activity to teach your kid about elasticity and force.
#10 Gardening Spring STEM Activities
Explore what makes a plant grow by recreating Eric Carle’s classic story “Tiny Seed”. This fun preschool experiment combines literacy with science!
#11 Life Cycle STEM Project for Kids
When dandelions emerge in the early spring, it’s the perfect time to learn about dandelion life cycles. Children’s book + STEM.
After learning about dandelion life cycles (see above), try this fun dandelion STEM activity. This is a great, and easy experiment that kids will love.
Want to learn more about dandelions? Check out these fun facts. You’ll look at the flowers in a whole new way!
Teach children about the flowers they see in the spring with this flower dissection activity. It is a fun, hands-on way to show children the different parts of a flower and have children take a close look at something they see all the time.
My kids are always excited when they see the first butterfly in the spring. Butterflies are a fascinating creature. Their lifecycle is one that I have always found interesting and a reminder of how incredible nature is. Teach children about the lifecycle in a fun, hands-on way. Free worksheet included.
Keep learning about life cycles with this 3D Bee Life Cycle activity. Create small 3D pieces of the bee life cycle for children to touch and look at as they learn about the life cycle.
#17 Metamorphosis Spring STEM Activities for Kids
Watching a living creature go through metamorphosis is something children will never forget. This experiment is one that I have done at home and in the classroom and is one that will stay with me forever. The learning and engagement from this STEM activity is unbelievable.
A free workbook for children to fill out as they do the experiment is included. This experiment is easier then you may think. Mealworms are available at most pet stores.
Learn about another living things life cycle by building a trees life cycle using plastic building blocks. This is a great activity for children who love to play with this type of building materials.
#19 How Strong Are Eggs? Spring STEM Activities
Eggs are a sign of new life and spring! We think of eggs as fragile and weak but, did you know that you can push as hard as you can on the ends of an egg and you will not break it? It’s a great experiment to show kids! It is also a great introduction to show children just how strong and fascinating eggs are!
In your kitchen or classroom prove how strong eggs are with this egg experiment and let a child or two stand on some eggs! Don’t worry you won’t end up with scrambled eggs – if you follow the instructions in the activity below.
Use some of your peeps candy for this parachute challenge! Kids love peeps candy and they tend to love drop challenges. Have children create something to make their peep fly as they drop it and learn a little about gravity.
Gardening is the best way to teach all about the science of plants. Inside or outside, there is so much learning and understanding that comes for growing your own plants and food.
We make these every spring! Grass grows so quickly that it is a great experiment for little ones because you will see growth within a few days. Add an adorable face and kids can even give them a hair cut!
April showers bring May flowers. During those rainy days, there is typically not as much to do. Embrace the rain with this Rainy Day Art activity. Draw and create, and then see what the rain will transform it into.
#24 Outdoor Spring STEM Activities with Rocks
Take learning outside this spring and gather a collection of rocks. Children will learn about balance, weight and size as they create a rock tower.
STEM activities like this are some of my favorite because this learning and exploring can happen almost anywhere. You don’t need to prepare anything or spend any money.
Spend some time in the sun and learn about shadows. With this hands-on STEM activity, children will learn that a shadow will form when an object blocks light. Children can have some fun creating and drawing as they learn.
#26 Building a Nest Spring STEM Activity
Children see birds nest left in the trees in the winter and see birds collecting materials for them in the spring. They are a lot of work. Let children experience a little bit of what all birds have to do to create their home with this Make Your Own Birds Nest activity.
#27 Explorer Kit for Spring STEM Activities
Let children feel like a real scientist with this homemade Nature Explorer Kit. Filled with simple, but exciting materials. The spring STEM activities that children can use this kit for are endless!
#28 STEM Math Activity
Mix some math into your spring learning with these adorable Bug BINGO cards.
#29 Bird Feeders Spring STEM Activities
Learn about animals, and maybe get to see some up close with these DIY bird feeders. Children can study and learn about what seeds and food to add to attract different birds.
#30 Making Clouds Spring STEM Activities
My kids always love laying on the grass, looking at the clouds and talking about what they see. Learn about the different types of clouds with this art + science activity.
Have some fun during rainy spring days with this rainy cloud painting. Children learn a little bit about gravity with this engaging science and art activity.
With the change in season, different weather also comes. Children create their own mini tornado with this Tornado in a Jar science experiment.
This spring flower experiment mixes art and science as children create and color their flower. Then, using a piece of transparent paper, children experiment and change the colors they see.
There are certain flowers that children see growing outside and others that they may see in a bouquet. However, there is a lot to the study of flowers. As children notice flowers outside in spring, encourage this interest by learning about what flowers can be found all around the world.
#35 Spring STEM Activity Crystalized Flowers
Create your own flowers with this spring STEM experiment. Children can watch as crystals form, creating a beautiful flower.
Bonus #36
Planting seeds and gardening gives children the opportunity to see, and understand how plants and food grow. Give children an up close view of what usually happens underground by growing the seeds in a jar. This is the perfect spring STEM project!
I hope that this collection of Spring STEM activities has given you some ideas to bring back to your home or classroom. Any time of year is a great time for STEM activities and I hope that the season is filled with fun, and hands-on learning!
STEM Activity Cards
If you like the idea of bringing more STEM to your child’s day this collection of over 100 STEM building challenges is an easy, screen free way to add it to their learning. There is little to no prep involved and the challenges are generic and can be used with virtually any building material, such as paper rolls, cards, play dough or straws.
Click the image, to find out more.
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More Hands-On Teaching Ideas
Hands-on learning is one of the best ways to learn. Children have so much fun with these activities that they forget, or don’t realize that they are learning through their play. Below is a collection of my most popular and favorite activities.
From over 45 STEM building challenges and 81+ science experiments to spring outdoor learning activities and an Easter/Spring escape room, there is lots to keep kids busy, learning and having fun!
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