I love teaching math, and since I teach young children, I am always looking for ways to make math fun, and hands-on. With the snow on the ground, the children are constantly talking about snowmen! I created these kindergarten worksheets for a simple, and free Roll a Snowman game and my students loved it!
Although I used this activity in a kindergarten classroom, I also used it at home with my own children who are older. Typically anything hands-on, kids are eager to try out!
This activity is an easy way for children to work with small numbers in an engaging, hands-on activity.
The materials you need for this free Roll a Snowman game, are simple and don’t require much prep beyond gathering the materials. For more hands-on activities for winter, check out my popular collection of Winter STEM Activities.

Free Roll a Snowman Game Materials
You don’t need any special materials and most of the materials you do need, you may already have around the house.
- Circular Cotton Swabs (3 for each child playing)
- Googly Eyes (2 for each child playing)
- Hat Cut Outs
- Carrot Nose Cut Outs
- Scarf Cut Outs (Or a piece of string)
- Buttons
- Pip cleaners or Twigs
- Dice
For the hat and carrot nose cut outs, I used foam paper. For the scarf I cut pieces of felt. If you don’t have felt or foam, you can simply use construction paper for both of these snowman pieces.
Even the circular cotton swabs could simply be white circles cut out of paper. Use what you have on hand to keep it simple.
Before you start, make sure to print off the FREE “Roll a Snowman” sheet. (Link at bottom of this post.)
Since I did this activity with young children, before they played the games I gave them a chance to explore and create with the snowmen materials. Children created their snowman by choosing all of the pieces they wanted to use.
This way they were familiar with the materials and how to create their snowman, before adding the dice and counting part of the game.
How to Play “Roll a Snowman”
Since I did this in the classroom, I started by explaining how to play the game. On the carpet, I modeled our game with everyone before handing out the materials.
The idea is very simple, and even young children will be able to figure out how to play very quickly. The activity is a great mix of hands-on math and a little bit of art as children create their snowman.
All players begin with their snowman body, which is made up of 3 circular cotton swabs.
Free Roll a Snowman Game Step 1
Roll the die and find the number on the Roll a Snowman worksheet.
Step 2
Find the material for the number that was rolled. For example, if you roll a 1, you will get a hat for your snowman and put it on your top circular cotton swab.
Step 3
The next player then rolls the die. They choose the material for the number they rolled and add it to their snowman.
If you roll a number twice on the die, such as the number 1, the player basically loses their turn and it becomes the next players turn.
To make it more fun with young children, I allowed them to switch the hat for a different color if they wanted to if they rolled a number that they didn’t need.
Step 4
Keep rolling and creating the snowmen. The first player to complete their snowman wins.
A completed snowman includes, a hat, two eyes, a nose, scarf, two arms and 2 buttons.
As children played they had a copy of the ‘Roll a Snowman’ sheet beside them to tell them what piece of the snowman to add depending what they roll.
The children were so excited to create their snowman. I loved the fact that they were doing math and recognizing the dots as numbers and amounts very quickly as they played.
Using the dice children went around the table taking turns to roll the die and build their snowman.
This is a great activity to make math, and learning fun. Whether you use the game at home, or in the classroom, kids are sure to be engaged as they learn. For more math worksheets and ideas for young children, check out 39 Free Math Worksheets.
Kindergarten Worksheets
Roll a Snowman Free Printable
The worksheet that I used for this activity is available below for free in color and black and white. The preschool, primary or kindergarten worksheets work well to encourage children to have to recognize the dots on the page and dice and then find the item that it corresponds to.
This was a great hands-on learning experience for kids that easily incorporated our math lesson for the day.
Click the grey lock box below and subscribe through Grow. Once you subscribe the printable will download right away. Subscribing this way will also unlock all of the other freebies on this site. Subscribe today!
Extension Ideas
Children loved creating their snowman over and over again as they played the game. If you have a group that would do better not competing with their peers to complete their snowman, you can always simply give each child a die and have them roll and create independently.
You could also have children play with a partner to create their snowmen together.
I have also used the Roll a Snowman game with older children. Since they did not need review of recognizing the numbers on the die, we worked on addition and subtraction.
I gave children a addition or subtraction question, and their answer corresponded to one of the materials for them to add to create their snowman. For example, instead of rolling a die, I gave the problem, 9-3.
Children worked to solve the problem and when they got the correction answer, 6, they then added a button to their snowman.
Even for older children you could change up the math problems that you give them to create their snowman. Some of the answers may not lead to a piece for their snowman, such as 17-8, but children have to solve the problem to know that it does not give them a piece.
FREE Kindergarten Worksheets
The worksheet that I used for this activity is available in my FREE Resource Library, full of free printables available to all subscribers of Hands-On Teaching Ideas. Subscribe to gain access to receive emails with my latest blog posts and freebies.
Once you subscribe, and confirm your subscription, you will receive a link to the Free Library where you can download this, and other resources.
More Hands-On Teaching Ideas
If you are looking for more activity ideas for kids at home or school, below are some of my favorite, and most popular blog posts and products.
From STEM building challenges and outdoor activities to arts and crafts and escape rooms, there is lots to choose from and lots to keep kids busy and learning.
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