Mothers Day STEAM Activity + Free Printable


With Mother’s Day right around the corner, challenge children to create something unique and beautiful for someone special in their life. This Mothers Day STEAM activity can be done by children of all ages in the classroom or at home. The free printable makes it easy for everyone to make this one of a kind Mother’s Day card.

Since the card/printable is free, you can print and have children create as many cards as they want, for mom, grandma, an aunt or anyone else they want to give one to.

I love creating and challenging my students and my own children with STEM challenges. STEM activities mix Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Math skills. This Mothers Day STEAM activity is a little bit different because it mixes in some art.

My favorite thing about many STEAM activities, is that children are challenged to build and create using simple, familiar materials. This STEAM activity is no different. For more STEM challenge ideas, visit my collection of 45+ STEM Challenge Ideas.

The art project and challenge is simple: Create three flowers using the collection of craft materials supplied. Children are challenged to look at the craft supplies and figure out how to use them to create something that looks like a flower.

mothers day steam shows a pinterest image of two mothers day cards with flowers.

One of the great things about this Mothers Day STEAM activity is that every child will create something different. Each flower can be different on the card and different from other children’s flowers. Children have the freedom to create their flowers anyway they want.

Beyond creating this adorable STEM creation for Mom, get ready for Father’s Day with a Free Fathers Day STEAM Activity.

Mothers Day STEAM Materials

For this activity, I suggest using materials that you already have on hand. Below I have given suggestions of the materials that I provided, but the specific materials do not matter, just make sure to supply a variety of craft supplies. A few ideas include:

  • PomPoms
  • Tissue Paper
  • Markers
  • Construction Paper
  • Buttons
  • Stickers
  • Beads
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Feathers
  • String
  • Plasticine
  • Shape Punches + Construction Paper
  • Sparkles
  • Felt
  • Bingo Dabbers

The more materials you can offer, the better. I always love watching children create because they come up with amazing ideas. Often kids will see the materials and have a few ideas for flowers immediately in their mind. Flower designs that I would never have thought of.

mothers day steam shows a tray with craft materials.

Give children the free printable Happy Mother’s Day page and challenge them to create some flowers for mom. The page includes three flower stems to create the flower top/petals. The page says:

Happy Mother’s Day. If you were a flower, I’d pick you.

mothers day steam shows a printable page or card that says happy mothers day.

Another version of the card is also included that does not specifically say, “Happy Mother’s Day”. This card can be used for Grandma, an aunt or anyone special!

Mothers Day STEAM Set Up + Directions

Set all of the materials out along with some glue. Once you have provided the kids with the materials, what they create is then up to them. STEAM activities tend to be child lead. Let them design and create.

The great thing about STEM challenges, and this Mother’s Day STEAM activity is that you don’t have to instruct children on how to make each flower or have them follow step by step instructions so that every child’s work looks the same.

arts and crafts for kids shows a table with two printed cards and a tray of craft materials.

Children get the freedom to create and make three flowers that they think their mom will love. You’ll be amazed at what they can come up with.

The only extra instructions that I gave my kids was that if they were using things like pompoms, beads and pipe cleaners then they would need to use a lot of glue in order for it to stick.

It can also help to glue a thicker sheet of paper, or cardstock, under the printable sheet to give it extra strength if kids use a lot of materials and it gives it a nice border. Simply leave the card flat to dry overnight.

Mothers Day STEAM Creation

We had a lot of fun creating our Mothers Day STEM activity. My kids used a variety of the materials in creative ways to make really beautiful and colorful flowers. With materials all over the table, they really enjoyed the process.

mothers day steam shows children doing crafts at a table to create a mothers day card.

For younger children, you can show them the examples of completed work that I have included below, but it is also okay to simply see what they will come up with.

arts and crafts for kids shows kids working and creating with crafts and glue.

Since I teach kindergarten, activities like this are an easy way for all children to create something for their Mom even kids who tend not to gravitate to the arts and crafts centers. It is a simple activity that they can all be successful in completing.

Mothers Day STEM Activity Examples and Ideas

If you don’t have a lot of craft supplies, you can simply provide children with crayons or markers to make their flowers. They can draw and color flowers at the top of each stem and make their flowers in that way.

mothers day steam activity shows a card with three kid designed flowers.

You could also use the printable as a center and instead of children creating their own flowers for Mom with supplies and glue, you could put the printable in a plastic pocket and provide wipeable markers. Children could draw flowers and then erase them when they’re done for the next child to use.

free printable shows three flowers made from craft materials.

Another idea, to make the cards more personalized is to print small photos of the child’s face to secure to the middle of one (or all) of the flowers. Take a picture of the child with a huge smile and glue it to the flower.

mothers day steam activity shows a printable card with three flowers made by kids.

If you use the black and white copy of the free printable, children can add their own color to the grass and small flowers at the bottom.

mothers day steam shows a mothers day card with three kid made flowers.

I hope this Mothers Day STEAM activity gives you a beautiful card, or two, that children are proud to share and had fun creating!

Mother’s Day is a great time to create and share special memories together. If you are looking for more family games and activities to try together at home, visit my collection of 100 of the Best Family Games! A free printable list is also available.

Free Activity Printables

If you like the printable garden page in this Mother’s Day STEM activity, you can download it for free from Hands-On Teaching Ideas below. Click the grey locked box and subscribe through Grow. Once you subscribe the printable will download right away.

By subscribing this way, you will also unlock all of the other freebies on this site. Shortly after subscribing, you will also receive an email with a link to the Free Library where all of the freebies are found. You will also receive emails and be the first to learn about my latest activity ideas as well as new products and promotions.

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More Hands-On Teaching Ideas

If you are looking for more hands-on activities to try with children at home or in the classroom, below are a few ideas of activities to try. From more STEM activities for spring and outdoor activities and even a science experiment, there are lots of ideas to keep kids busy, and learning throughout the season.

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