Teaching and learning math can be a lot of fun. A daily math talk can help reinforce important skills. Try out this simple math talk today!
Learn - Play - Create - Explore
Math Activities for Preschool and Primary Shapes
Make learning math fun with these hands-on math activities for preschool and kindergarten focused around shapes. All you need are popsicle sticks.
Math Talk for Kindergarten
A daily math talk helps reinforce key math concepts especially with young kids. This math talk is simple, but encourages lots of key math.
Kindergarten Worksheet and Math Activity
Connect math and learning to real life with this kindergarten worksheet and math activity. Take children on a shape hunt - with a twist!
FREE Kindergarten Worksheets and Activity
Keep with a pumpkin theme this fall with this kindergarten worksheet and several activity ideas using a collection of pumpkin seeds.
Fun Math Games for Kids Junior Number BINGO
Kids love simple, fun math games in the classroom and at home. Enjoy reinforcing number concepts with young children with this game.