Christmas STEM Activity + Free Printable


Everyone loves Rudolph. This Christmas challenge kids to create a home for a reindeer using a few simple materials. Kids will love the hands-on building and you’ll love the learning! Add this Christmas STEM Activity and free printable activity card to your holiday celebrations.

I’m always looking for activities that are simple and can be used by kids of all ages. This Christmas STEM activity is a great addition to any celebration, from the kid’s table on Christmas to the classroom the weeks before the holiday.

This STEM challenges includes a free activity card so that you have the option for children to work independently or you can use the activity card to prepare a STEM kit for kids to take home. The activity card is available for download at the end of the activity description.

STEM challenges are always popular when I bring them into my classroom. Children love building with familiar materials and creating for a purpose. For this activity, kids are challenged to create a shelter for a reindeer. Make sure to

Christmas STEM activity shows a pinterest pin.

For more exciting activities for kids throughout the holidays check out Teaching Ideas 25 Christmas STEM Activities. If you’re looking for more family or party games, visit Best Free Christmas Escape Room and a DIY Christmas Escape Room.

Christmas STEM Activity Materials

The materials that you need for this activity are simple and the activity card and reindeer figure are available for free to print. For this Christmas STEM activity, you will need:

Christmas STEM activity shows materials needed for the activity.
  • Jumbo Popsicle Sticks (Large or Small)
  • Cotton Balls
  • Printable Activity Card
  • Reindeer Image (Free Printable)
  • Tape/Glue (For Reindeer Card)

I was able to get Christmas colored popsicle sticks, but you can use any that you have on hand. I find the jumbo sticks work best for this experiment, but the smaller, regular sized sticks will also work.

It is best to provide children with as many sticks and cotton balls as possible. The more of each material you are able to provide, the better. Children will often keep building until they run out of material. However, you can add to the challenge and put a limit on the materials. This way children have to be more mindful about how they use their materials.

The activity card can be posted with the materials for kids to read and build independently, or it can be read aloud to the children building.

STEM challenge shows popsicle sticks, cotton balls, and two printable pages.

The cotton balls are used to represent snow. Since it is a winter/Christmas themed challenge, the idea is that they can only use materials they could find outside. The sticks and snowballs are the only materials available to build for their reindeer.

Reindeer Set Up

You can do this activity without the printable reindeer. However, in my experience, providing children with a figure of some sort keeps them even more engaged in the activity. They’ll love creating a home around the reindeer and will often even name their reindeer.

Printable activity for kids shows a page with a reindeer on it and the instructions how to fold it.

Start by printing the long rectangular reindeer image. There are two reindeer per page. Cut out each rectangle. Once cut, make three folds on the lines on the page (shows below).

Holiday challenge for kids shows a reindeer image that stands.

Once folded, tape or glue the bottom flaps together. This will allow your reindeer to stand. Provide each child or group with a reindeer.

STEM Activity Card

The activity challenges children to “Use the materials to create a home for your reindeer this Christmas“. They are only allowed to use cotton balls and popsicle sticks. From these materials they must come up with some type or home, or structure that their reindeer can be placed in.

Christmas STEM activity card says, "Reindeer STEM. Use the materials to create a home for your reindeer this Christmas."

Avoid giving too much direction or too many ideas on how or what to build. The best part is seeing what kids come up with.

The solutions children come up with are often different from each other. I often find children or groups will each come up with something different. They often interpret the instructions differently. This is my favorite part of STEM challenges because I love to see the imagination and creativity each child comes up with.

Remind children that it is the process while creating that is important in STEM activities. It is likely that their structure will fall several times while building. This is great and part of the activity! When it falls, children learn resilience, learn from their first attempt and build again. Hopefully the second attempt is even better!

Holiday STEM Activity

Start by providing each child, or group with a collection of popsicle sticks and cotton balls. Each group also needs a reindeer figure and can be given the activity card. Tell children their challenge and let them start building.

You can add to the fun by asking kids to create a reindeer resort!

Christmas STEM activity shows an activity card and structure built from cotton balls and sticks.

Children have the option to only use cotton balls or only use the popsicle sticks. However, the structure tends to be easier when both are used. Often the structures will fall down as few times during the initial building stage. That’s okay and part of the challenge.

Christmas STEM activity shows a popsicle stick structure.

Once children create a structure, make sure their reindeer can fit inside. As long as the picture fits, and only the two materials are used, the child has completed the challenge successfully!

Christmas activity shows a reindeer image surrounded by cotton ball structure.

Once children have created a home for their reindeer, if they have extra supplies, they can begin to add details. When building with me, some groups created a bed for their reindeer and even separate rooms. This is a great architectural learning opportunity!

Christmas STEM Activity Solutions

Some children may choose to create a structure out of only the cotton balls. Although this will work, it is very challenging to create a home that is very tall. The popsicle sticks help supporting the walls.

However, it is technically a home that their reindeer fits in.

Christmas STEM activity shows materials needed for the challenge.

Children can use the cotton balls, or ‘snowballs’ as insulation or simply a way to create a taller home. Some children may add a roof to their reindeers home, a doorway or even a bed.

Holiday activity for kids shows a child putting a cotton ball on a popsicle stick structure.

If you have several children, or groups creating, consider encouraging children to walk around and seeing what other groups have created. What strategies did groups use? How are the other groups reindeer homes different than theirs?

Christmas STEM activity shows a reindeer cut out with a structure behind it made from popsicle sticks and cotton balls.

Christmas STEM Activity Extension Idea

Another option is create a Christmas STEM activity kit. It can be given as a gift to kids over the holidays. Children can create and build at home.

Christmas STEM activity shows a bag with the materials needed for the STEM challenge.

Use a sealable bag and add the STEM activity card, popsicle sticks, the reindeer image and cotton balls to the bag.

Download the Free Activity Card

To download the activity card and reindeer cut out, subscribe to Teaching Ideas below. Click the grey box and subscribe through Grow. By subscribing this way you will also unlock all of the other freebies on this site.

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